Meet Andrea Parker:
Andrea believes that life and business get to be fun!
As a former police detective and now the Founder of AP Coaching, she understands the value of asking powerful questions to get to the root of what’s most important for you to create a lasting impact while truly enjoying your experience.
With her signature process, Andrea inspires high-achieving business owners and leaders worldwide to move out of their heads (overthinking) and into their hearts by asking one simple question:
“What would make this more fun?!”
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We’ll explore the top three things holding you back from true success and the number one aligned action you can take to move your dreams forward.
Lots of new faces here, so let me introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Andrea
I am the Founder of AP coaching, where I help influential leaders to play better, create a lasting impact and enjoy your experience.
Life and business are meant to be fun!
Here are some fun facts about me!
- I live on the lake in Muskoka with my wife Mel (of 10 years) and our 2 doodles, Hopkins and Penny. You might see us cruising the lake on our motorized dock boat.
- As a Pisces, being around water is my happy place.
- Delicious coffee, high-vibe food, beautiful places and deep conversations are my jam.
- For the last decade, I have been blessed to have been trained and mentored by some of the top experts in the world in areas of human behaviour, spiritual science, and the subconscious mind.
- My top value is unfolding my potential and inspiring others to do the same.
- What you can expect on my page is a mix of consciousness, play, leadership and heart.
- I’m the coolest person in my family, unless you ask them. I have twin sisters, and I am also married to a twin.
- I love playing games, sports and being active in nature.
- In 2019, I followed my heart and left my policing career even though it made no sense on paper. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I believe true success is living from the values of your heart.
- In 2021, I thought I was living a life I loved, doing what I loved, and knew all the answers, but I was still operating from shoulds and old ways of being. When I released the subconscious blocks and got out of my head and into my heart, I began to embody my dream life. We took the summer off, prioritized our joy and made more money while having more fun. Now I help others do the same.
I’m grateful for you being here. Tell me where you are from.
Andrea is an accredited IPCC with certifications specializing in the mind-heart connection and conscious leadership.
She is a renowned international speaker, working with multi-million dollar business leaders, transformational speakers, holistic doctors, professional athletes, and Emmy-award-winning producers. Her insights have been featured in bestselling books, documentaries and transformational podcasts.
Andrea is having more fun than ever with her wife Mel, and their dogs, living on a lake in Muskoka.