Business peeps, try this!



I just got off an inspiring call with one of my mentors, coach Dave Buck, who, in my opinion, is one of the leading coaches for coaching other coaches. He is the CEO and Head Coach of Coachville.

We were talking about playing big in business.

When you are pursuing your dream, especially if you are looking to grow your business, some actions will likely call you outside of your comfort zone.

Some of these actions may include reaching out to others, expanding your network, being visible, raising your prices, asking for help, etc.

For many people, these activities feel uncomfortable because you don’t have as much control over the outcome.

So what happens is instead of focusing on the things where you don’t have control, you move your energy and play it safer by doing the actions where you feel like you have more control.

This could include organizing your email, cleaning your office space, writing list after list, rewriting the content on your website, etc.

Instead of focusing your energy on the actions that will move your business forward, you focus your energy on the activities that feel safer and like you have more control over.

By doing this, though, you are keeping yourself and your business playing small and are holding yourself back from earning more, having a more significant impact, and more fun!

By switching things up and allowing yourself to do the activities where you have less control, like being more visible, etc., you’re going to expand your reach. You’re going to expand your capacity. Eventually, over time, it’s going to become more comfortable for you to do that.

If you haven’t already, check out my previous blog about changing your relationship with fear.

The truth is,  fear is going to be a regular part of playing big. By changing your relationship with it, you’ll be able to move forward more lovingly. Check it out here

If you are ready to become more masterful in the art of playing out of your comfort zone, especially with the activities where you have less control over, a  great place to start is to share your dream.

Share your vision with others. Let others know what you’re doing (or what you would love to be doing).

Practice this!

Play with it.

Ask for feedback.

Listen to how people respond.

The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll become.

I invite you to practice this! If you want to practice with me, I’m here for you!

One thing I have been doing is jumping on a five-minute call with inspiring individuals, and we have been sharing our dreams.

There’s no pressure behind it. It’s meant to be fun 🙂

When you can switch from that old energy of ‘work’ having to be so series or feeling like a chore to being more playful, meaningful and fun, that’s when the magic happens.

If you are here, odds are you want to help others and have an impact. Why not have more fun while doing so.

One way to do that is to practice.

If you are interested in doing just that and jumping on a short call with me, I’d love to hear more about you and your dream:)

Please email me at [email protected] to get the conversation started.

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