Is It Time To Elevate Your Accountability System?



When you are playing a big inspiring game and playing outside of your comfort zone, it is essential to have a team in your corner to support you and your growth!

If you want to play at your highest level possible, and have fun while doing so, then it’s time to elevate your accountability system.

One of the growth opportunities of playing better and expanding is ensuring that your environment and support system grow alongside you.

There will be times in your journey when you are not as inspired or motivated, which can become easy to get off track or distracted.

Having someone (or a group of people) who can see the bigger vision and hold you accountable to your dreams is huge!

Having someone to both reign you in, challenge you and support you when necessary is game-changing.

I have been playing around with my accountability system. I recently had a call with my accountability partner.

This is something new that we started, and I am very grateful for this person.

We have similar goals, dreams and values, and we have been on a similar journey for the past five years.

Here’s an example of the power of accountability…

Before the call, I was getting frustrated because I didn’t feel inspired to PUSH to make a deadline.

I wanted to get it done, but I also didn’t want to kill myself to do it.

One of the first things she mentioned on the call was how she focused on connecting back to doing things from inspiration and not from the old energy of pushing so hard and taking action just to take action.

This was game-changing. My energy immediately started to shift. It helped me pull my energy back towards my WHY and my bigger vision.

It was so valuable talking to someone on a similar journey (who gets it) AND has similar values.

I wouldn’t recommend being an accountability partner with just anyone. I have had a few in the past, and it wasn’t as valuable if the energy didn’t align. The magic happens when you can vibe with someone in similar energy and vibration.

The truth is, I have multiple accountability systems, from my Life Coach to Business Coach to Brand Strategist to Mastermind groups. I have a system in my calendar, my partner Mel, and the people I surround myself with.

I strongly believe that if you want to play big and create your heaven on earth (whatever that means to you), it’s not possible to do it alone. It’s also not as fun!!!

Sharing your journey with like-minded people is also fluid and changing. As you grow, so does your accountability system.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself…

Does your current accountability system need to be revamped and elevated?
Do you have a team of people in your corner who can both support and challenge you for who you are becoming?
What’s one baby step you can take to elevate this?

Some feedback I received from clients (both in a workshop setting and 1:1) has been how fun and valuable it is to connect with other like-minded people on a similar journey.

I agree!!

The magic happens when you are also able to share the journey with other awesome people.

I find that with this type of coaching, too, the language can be fairly specific, and it’s more of a way of life.

This is why I am creating a bonus monthly group call for my 1:1 clients.

The intention behind hosting monthly group calls is to foster more connections with like-minded people (other coaching clients on a similar journey) while also deep-diving into key topics.

These calls are meant to be fun and valuable.

If this is something that you are interested in joining and being a part of, let me know, I have a few spots that I am opening up for people who are committed to seeing how good their life can get 🙂

Here is the link for the application for a free call. On the call, we can explore if this would make sense based on your goals and dreams.

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