Do You Trust The Process?

APC Winter Blowing Snow


When you are working towards manifesting a goal, dream, or desire, there are three simple steps to bringing it into reality.

Janet Attwood describes these steps as…



No Tension

Step one, Intention, is where you consciously state what it is that you want. What is your goal, dream, aspiration, etc.? This is about getting clear on the “what.”

Step two, Attention, is where you get into action and do whatever it takes to move your goal forward.

Step three, No Tension, is where you do the best you can and then let go of the outcome.

No Tension is all about having faith and trusting the process, which is mastery level stuff. And also where most people get stuck!

Instead of focusing on high-priority action steps and holding the vision of their dream, many people get caught up in having to continue to push and try to force the results.

One of the primary reasons for this is that they don’t believe it’s going to happen.

And because they don’t believe it will happen, they’ll try to make it happen, which looks like ‘doing, doing, doing,’ pushing, pushing, pushing and hustling, etc.

And what often happens is that they create the opposite results.

The truth is if your subconscious mind is not on board. If it doesn’t believe it’s going to happen, then it’s not going to happen.

This can be a very frustrating process, especially if you’re doing the first two steps, right.

You know what it is you’re working towards and are taking inspiring action, but then it’s not coming true.

Many of us get stuck in the trusting process because it’s scary to let go. This is also rooted in past subconscious beliefs and often feelings of unworthiness.

So how do you navigate this?

One way to move forward is to link benefits and pleasures to you achieving your goal or desire.

Somewhere along the line, your subconscious mind associated this goal with not being safe or not “good” for you.

Linking pleasure or benefits to achieving this desire will help you feel safer, especially on a subconscious level.

The next thing you can do is look at where else this is showing up in your life? Where else are you finding it challenging to trust the process?

Is there a theme where you are experiencing a lack of trust showing up in other areas?

If you’d like more information on how to go deeper with this and identify and release specific subconscious beliefs that are holding you back, you can register for a free 1:1 clarity call with me.

On our call, I’ll help you create clarity on what your heart wants, identify what’s holding you back, and help you develop strategies to reach your goals much faster successfully.

Even if I’m not a fit to guide you, I will point you in the direction of some resources to help you get to the next level.

Click here to register for a Free 1 on 1 Clarity Call with me.

How to identify if you have a limiting belief keeping you stuck

Andrea Parker sitting on dock


A common theme I see among many successful individuals is this feeling like something is holding them back from reaching the next level of success.

Just know that if you too have ever felt like you are ‘stuck’ or like something is holding you back, or even like you are ‘self-sabotaging,’ that this is common and that you are not alone!

The truth is, in pursuit of living your most amazing life, it can feel like you are holding yourself back because of beliefs that you may not even know that you have.

So how do you know if you have a subconscious fear or belief holding you back?

Here are three clues:

The first clue you have a subconscious fear or limiting belief is knowing what you want to be doing, and you’re not doing it.

Let’s use health as an example. You know you want to be eating healthy and working out, instead of doing that, you’re eating like crap, and you’re not moving at all.

You know what you need to be doing, but you’re not doing it.

The second clue is you know what you need to be doing, and you are doing it, but it feels like resistance or way harder than it needs to be. It’s an internal struggle.

You know, you need to be eating healthy, you know you want to be working out, you’re doing it, but it is way more challenging than it needs to be. It feels like so much resistance.

You know what you need to be doing, and you are doing it, but there’s resistance.

The third clue is you know what you need to be doing. You’re doing it. But you’re getting the opposite results.

You’re eating healthy and working out, but you feel like crap, and you’re in worse shape, or you feel exhausted and unhealthy.

Or, you want to double your finances, and you’re losing money, OR you want more freedom, and you are working more than ever and have no work-life balance.

You know what you need to be doing. You’re doing it. But you’re getting the opposite results.

If you are procrastinating, it’s not because you are lazy; subconsciously, you believe that there will be more pain than pleasure.

In order words, if your subconscious mind, which is in charge of your survival, has associated more danger than safety, or more pain than pleasure with something you consciously want, it will do everything in its power to not let you get it.

This is why it’s essential to identify if you have a limiting belief!

For more information on how to take the next step in identifying and releasing your limiting beliefs, check out my FREE video course where I will walk you through my four-step process on how to do just that.

Click here to register. 

Client story: Working less, earning more, and having more fun


I wanted to share with you a recent experience I had with one of my clients around the theme of “working less, earning more, while having a greater impact and more fun.”

Although my client is a successful business owner and doing well financially, she has increasingly felt like life has been too serious.

She wants to start having more fun and creating an experience outside of just “working” all the time.

Despite loving what she does, she has been feeling like her old way of “having” to work and to be “doing doing doing” all the time was no longer in alignment.

Instead, it has the opposite effects and has been starting to negatively impact her business, energy, inspiration, and happiness.

And on top of that, she wasn’t having fun!

This is something my client came to me for help with as she has been actively working towards “working less, earning more, while having a greater impact and more fun,” but has been getting opposite results.

Remember, one clue that you have a subconscious block holding you back is,

“You know what you want to be doing, and you are doing it, but you are getting opposite results.”

Using the Heart Freedom Method, a mind-body technique created by Dr. Lise Janelle, I was able to help her identify and release the source of her subconscious block.

Through the process, this is what we discovered…

In her late 20’s, she became infatuated with the 6-figure salary she was earning at her corporate job.

This amount of money was more than she had ever earned in the past, and she began attaching her worth with the amount she was making.

Rather than looking at the job as a whole, she was only looking at one side, the finances.

By only looking at how much she was making, she was putting greater importance on her salary and minimizing herself and the other areas of her life. It was like she became blind to her role’s downsides and not aware of how much this had been ruling her life.

For example, if she would have been honest with herself back then and looked at both sides of her job, she would have seen that other than the money, she liked little about her role and found it very unfulfilling, uninspiring and out of alignment with her purpose.

Rather than looking for something more fulfilling, she felt stuck there because of the money.

Often when someone’s infatuated with something or someone, it’s when they feel low self-worth or low self-esteem in another area of their life, and they’re looking for something outside of themselves to build them up.

So how is this still keeping her stuck?

Now, six years later, as she’s looking to work less while having more fun, it’s like a button is being pushed, and she’s reverting to the same stored emotion from when she was in her late 20s.

Her subconscious mind has associated safety with “working,” and her worth being tied to “doing”.

By helping her balance both sides when she was in her late 20’s, she was able to free herself from having to work to be “worthy.”

The truth is you are worthy no matter what!

If you want to have a successful, inspiring life, you need to know that you’re worthy of it now. And that your worth comes from the inside, not the other way around.

Let me say that again; you are worthy of your heart’s desires now.

Whether that’s taking time for yourself, enjoying, earning more, having a greater impact, or all of the above.

You are Worthy!

Once you can own that and start taking baby action steps, that’s when the magic happens.

For you in your journey:

Take a quick snapshot of your life. Where in your life are you currently feeling a little stuck?

Or where do you feel like you are getting opposite results?

Odds are you may have a subconscious block that’s holding you back.

I’d love to learn more about where you’re getting stuck. Leave a comment below.

For more information on identifying and releasing the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, check out my FREE video course: Unleash Your Greatness.