How to attract what you’d LOVE!



There are infinite ways to manifest that which you would LOVE! The key is to find something that works well for you.

A Vision Book is one of my favourite manifesting tools that I used to help me manifest our dream lakefront home, epic vacations, fun experiences, and adventures.

A Vision Book is similar to a Vision Board but in a book format.

I prefer this option because I also write my affirmations, statement of purpose and goals in it.

I also find it helpful because I can bring it with me places, plus it’s compact.

Whether you use Vision Board or Vision Books, you can take a few simple steps to make it more powerful and some to avoid.

When I first started using Vision Books, I put a picture of a waterslide in the jungle. I didn’t know the details of where it was, but I loved its look and the sense of fun and adventure.

Fast forward a year or so. Mel and I were enjoying a full-day adventure in Costa Rica. One of the excursions we booked included a waterslide through the jungle. It wasn’t until I was on the water slide that it dawned on me that this felt very similar and was the same waterslide I had put on my Vision Book.

I had tears of gratitude and felt so in alignment with the power of the Universe.

It’s important to note that Vision Books alone won’t work. The same goes for affirmations or intentions.

You also need to get into action and do the work! Your dreams require energy and focus.

If I hadn’t taken action, I didn’t follow my heart to Costa Rica (including budgeting for the trip, taking time off, getting out of my comfort zone). I would never have had the opportunity to enjoy the waterslide.

Fun fact, it was approximately four stories high and controlled by the river system. We did it a few times! It was epic!

Another thing to note is how important it is to choose goals and objectives that resonate with you and that you are willing to put the energy and focus towards.

If you aren’t willing to do the things to make it happen, then it’s not a dream; it’s a fantasy.

If you are looking to elevate your manifesting, here are a few simple steps I use.

They are based on the principle of INTENTION→ ATTENTION → NO TENSION, created by Chris and Janet Attwood.

Step 1: Intention
Ask yourself what you would love to bring into your life. Clearly state your intention, goal or objective.

Step 2: Attention
Ask what the highest priority action steps you can take to move it forward, and then do them!

Step 3: No Tension
Let go! Believe that you are worthy and trust that whatever is happening is for your highest and greatest good.

Bonus Step:
Create a Vision Book. Include photos, words, affirmations, etc., that help you visualize and embody what you would love to create.

Have fun with the process!

I’d love to hear some of your favourite ways and tools to help you manifest your dreams.

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