How to identify if you have a limiting belief keeping you stuck


A common theme I see among many successful individuals is this feeling like something is holding them back from reaching the next level of success.

Just know that if you too have ever felt like you are ‘stuck’ or like something is holding you back, or even like you are ‘self-sabotaging,’ that this is common and that you are not alone!

The truth is, in pursuit of living your most amazing life, it can feel like you are holding yourself back because of beliefs that you may not even know that you have.

So how do you know if you have a subconscious fear or belief holding you back?

Here are three clues:

The first clue you have a subconscious fear or limiting belief is knowing what you want to be doing, and you’re not doing it.

Let’s use health as an example. You know you want to be eating healthy and working out, instead of doing that, you’re eating like crap, and you’re not moving at all.

You know what you need to be doing, but you’re not doing it.

The second clue is you know what you need to be doing, and you are doing it, but it feels like resistance or way harder than it needs to be. It’s an internal struggle.

You know, you need to be eating healthy, you know you want to be working out, you’re doing it, but it is way more challenging than it needs to be. It feels like so much resistance.

You know what you need to be doing, and you are doing it, but there’s resistance.

The third clue is you know what you need to be doing. You’re doing it. But you’re getting the opposite results.

You’re eating healthy and working out, but you feel like crap, and you’re in worse shape, or you feel exhausted and unhealthy.

Or, you want to double your finances, and you’re losing money, OR you want more freedom, and you are working more than ever and have no work-life balance.

You know what you need to be doing. You’re doing it. But you’re getting the opposite results.

If you are procrastinating, it’s not because you are lazy; subconsciously, you believe that there will be more pain than pleasure.

In order words, if your subconscious mind, which is in charge of your survival, has associated more danger than safety, or more pain than pleasure with something you consciously want, it will do everything in its power to not let you get it.

This is why it’s essential to identify if you have a limiting belief!

For more information on how to take the next step in identifying and releasing your limiting beliefs, check out my FREE video course where I will walk you through my four-step process on how to do just that.

Click here to register. 

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