How Committed Are You To Giving Yourself The Life That You’d Love?



How committed are you to giving yourself the life that you’d love?

One of the common things I see among driven, fun and inspiring souls is a fear of disappointing themselves or letting themselves down by failing.

Here’s an example of a recent conversation I had with an incredible human.

She shared her dreams, goals, and aspirations with me for the next 12 months, with a theme of working less, earning more while having more fun.

This dream is something that she deeply wanted.

Here’s the problem. When I asked her how committed she was to giving herself this life, she hesitated.

She had resistance saying she was a 10/10 committed because if she were a ten and then didn’t hit all her goals, she would be disappointed in herself.

What if she tried and it didn’t work out. Or if she failed. Then what.

These are all very common stories and fears.

I asked her this, 12 months from now if you don’t take steps to give yourself the things your heart wants, then you’ll never see your loved ones again. If that were the case on a scale from 1-10, how committed would you be to making it happen?

She said I am a 10. I would do whatever it takes for me to do that.

I love asking it this way, because often when it’s for someone else, we are more willing to do what it takes, no matter what. But when it comes down to doing it for ourselves, we hesitate.

Here’s why.

A common subconscious belief that pops up when admitting your dreams is that it is not safe to pursue your goals.

A big one I often see in my clients is when they were younger, they asked for what they wanted and when they didn’t get it, it hurt too much, so they decided to stop asking.

For this woman, she felt like she ‘failed’ herself in the past and didn’t want to do that again.

Like many driven people, she pursued a career and society’s version of outer success, and because of that, she worked her butt off. This had a negative impact on her health, relationships and joy.

So now that she was going to move her dream forward, she had inner resistance because it subconsciously doesn’t feel safe. She was scared that she would be burnt out by pursuing her dream, and she would have no time for what she loves.

Here’s the truth: when you pursue your heart’s desires, it often pulls you out of your comfort zone. When that happens, it is going to be normal to experience fear.

It’s the subconscious fear that creeps in, and that’s rooted in feeling unworthy, not enough, unloveable, or incapable, that keeps you stuck.

The good news is those are just stories.

They are not the truth.

You can rewire them.

For this woman, these fears helped her climb the corporate ladder and create outer success.

She is now ready to do it from Stage Two of Human Development, where success comes from within, and she’s doing it from the values of her heart.

When you’re playing this game, yes, fear will still pop up, but you don’t have to be creating from that ‘have-to’s place of pushing, overachieving and killing yourself doing it.

Instead, Stage Two living is all about leading from ‘love-tos’ and inspiration.

You have to be willing to challenge yourself and be ready to not give up on your dreams. It takes courage to admit what you want.

One place that you can start is having a big enough why.

Why is it essential that you do this?

Why is it essential that you live the life that you love?

For this person, it is important because she wants to live a life worth living. It would impact her family, her friends, all these other things. But really, she wants to live an extraordinary life.

So for you, what is your why? Allow that to pull you up. And also, know that yes, the fear of the resistance will likely be there.

Go ahead and permit yourself to be a 10/10 committed. Following your heart is the safest thing you can do!

If you’re committed to taking the next steps in your journey, I’d love to invite you to a FREE So In Love With Your Life Session.

How to attract what you’d LOVE!



There are infinite ways to manifest that which you would LOVE! The key is to find something that works well for you.

A Vision Book is one of my favourite manifesting tools that I used to help me manifest our dream lakefront home, epic vacations, fun experiences, and adventures.

A Vision Book is similar to a Vision Board but in a book format.

I prefer this option because I also write my affirmations, statement of purpose and goals in it.

I also find it helpful because I can bring it with me places, plus it’s compact.

Whether you use Vision Board or Vision Books, you can take a few simple steps to make it more powerful and some to avoid.

When I first started using Vision Books, I put a picture of a waterslide in the jungle. I didn’t know the details of where it was, but I loved its look and the sense of fun and adventure.

Fast forward a year or so. Mel and I were enjoying a full-day adventure in Costa Rica. One of the excursions we booked included a waterslide through the jungle. It wasn’t until I was on the water slide that it dawned on me that this felt very similar and was the same waterslide I had put on my Vision Book.

I had tears of gratitude and felt so in alignment with the power of the Universe.

It’s important to note that Vision Books alone won’t work. The same goes for affirmations or intentions.

You also need to get into action and do the work! Your dreams require energy and focus.

If I hadn’t taken action, I didn’t follow my heart to Costa Rica (including budgeting for the trip, taking time off, getting out of my comfort zone). I would never have had the opportunity to enjoy the waterslide.

Fun fact, it was approximately four stories high and controlled by the river system. We did it a few times! It was epic!

Another thing to note is how important it is to choose goals and objectives that resonate with you and that you are willing to put the energy and focus towards.

If you aren’t willing to do the things to make it happen, then it’s not a dream; it’s a fantasy.

If you are looking to elevate your manifesting, here are a few simple steps I use.

They are based on the principle of INTENTION→ ATTENTION → NO TENSION, created by Chris and Janet Attwood.

Step 1: Intention
Ask yourself what you would love to bring into your life. Clearly state your intention, goal or objective.

Step 2: Attention
Ask what the highest priority action steps you can take to move it forward, and then do them!

Step 3: No Tension
Let go! Believe that you are worthy and trust that whatever is happening is for your highest and greatest good.

Bonus Step:
Create a Vision Book. Include photos, words, affirmations, etc., that help you visualize and embody what you would love to create.

Have fun with the process!

I’d love to hear some of your favourite ways and tools to help you manifest your dreams.

Our Game Changing Tool For Decision Making



Here’s a hack that Mel and I use when making big decisions.

We joke that we are masters at making big decisions like transitioning careers, creating businesses, moving, renovating houses, etc. Still, when it comes to more minor choices like picking a shower curtain, we struggle!! lol

When you are navigating significant challenges, especially when you aim to do it from a grounded, loving place, opposed to fear and emotions, it is great to have a tool to help you.

We learned this hack from our mentor, Dr. Lise Janelle, and I often share it with my clients.

We used this specific tool for significant life decisions, like when I decided to leave my police career, when we sold our house, moved to our lake home, and closed Mel’s painting business to co-create a Love Program together.

Here’s how it works…

When you are experiencing something big and have to make a big decision or take action, ask yourself this…


  • What is the worst possible case scenario if I were to do this?
    For example, what would be the worst-case scenario if you left your job, went all-in on your business, moved to your dream home, etc.
  • If the worst-case scenario were to happen, could you live with that outcome?
    For instance, if the worst-case scenario is that by leaving your career, you’d run out of savings and have to get a ‘job,’ would you be ok with that?
  • What would be the benefits to you if the worst-case scenario were to happen?
    It’s essential to be creative here and allow yourself to explore the benefits. Perhaps it would help you get out of your comfort zone, ask for help, serve more people, do your inner work, etc.
  • If you were to do all of these things and take the actions, is it worth your energy and effort? 
  • Will doing this bring you closer to your dreams, or will it take you further away? 

Ask, is this in alignment with what your heart truly wants?

Looking at the worst-case scenario and seeing its benefits helps mitigate some of the fears around moving it forward.

I am a big believer in doing your inner work and taking the time to have a loving action plan to get you there.

That being said, I also know that it can feel scary when you are going for your dreams! Sometimes your knees will be shaking, and at the end of the day, you’ll just have to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Your logical brain might say no, but your heart might be saying go for it. Or vice versa.

It’s wise to take the time to do the work so that your heart’s voice becomes louder than your fears and the ‘shoulds’ of the outside world.

Remember, outside of your comfort zone lies your destiny.

I invite you to carve out time this next week and do this exercise. It’s been game-changing for us!

Lots of love!

What Are Your Dreams Trying To Tell You?



Recently, a client shared with me some of the dreams she had been having.

I love working with dreams because it can be an accelerated way to tap into your subconscious mind so that you can move forward faster.

I have found that when I am working towards a goal and striving to grow, my dreams are a way that my subconscious often communicates to me my growth opportunities.

I love it because they are a way for me to hone in on what I need to work on to move things forward.

Paying attention to my dreams, combined with the Heart Freedom Method, allows me to identify the emotion or block I need to release and helps me to learn the lesson more lovingly and efficiently.

What are your dreams trying to tell you?

Your dreams may be a way your subconscious mind communicates is trying to show you where you have some illusions or where to do some inner work.

There are different ways that your subconscious communicates, and what I have found in my personal experience and coaching with others is that this is often not the same as depicted in dream books.

For some, a car or a butterfly in a dream may represent one thing. For someone else, it might mean something completely different.

Using the Heart Freedom Method, I hone in on the emotion connected to the dream, leading back to when this emotion was initially stored and the story or the illusion that you created at the time (and likely is keeping you stuck now).

Then, by finding the perfection in the situation, you’re able to transcend the emotion and move forward with more love. This is huge because that which you do not love you keep repeating over and over again until you see the love in it.

This mind-body technique saves SO much time and helps you gain more wisdom.

So if you have been having re-occurring dreams or more frequent dreams, just know it could be your subconscious mind bringing something to your attention.

If you would love to learn more about this, send me a private message. We can set you up on a Free Session where you can learn more.

Email [email protected] for more info.