Are You Tired Of Treading Water? Learn How To Put Your Feet Down

Andrea Parker looking out on a dock



There are two stages of human development.

Stage one is like boot camp. It’s the reactionary phase.

Often when you are in this stage, it feels like you are on a spin cycle in a washing machine. It can feel like you don’t have as much ‘control’ of your life and like you are treading water.

Stage two is where things get a little bit more fun and way more inspiring!

This is when you graduate from boot camp and move into a more conscious and awake stage. Here is where you become a conscious creator of your life. Instead of treading water, you learn to put your feet down on the ground and realize that you can touch.

The truth is, stage two of human development doesn’t mean that you are no longer challenged; in fact, it’s still quite challenging. The big difference, though, is that you are living from your heart.

Instead of living from fear and desperation, you are living from inspiration and love.

Rather than being ruled by limiting subconscious beliefs, you are choosing to live from your heart.

As I mentioned in my previous posts, there are two ways to enter stage two of human development. 

  1. Through Inspiration.
  2. Through receiving a “baseball bat” from the Universe. This is when you experience a big challenge or series of challenges that hit you upside the head (metaphorically and sometimes literally) to get you to wake up.


Andrea Parker Coaching Quote

What does it mean to live in stage two?

Essentially it means to live from your heart.

When you live from your heart, your heart wants you to know two things.

 1. You are worthy.

2. To admit your dreams and aspirations.

You’ll know it’s your heart speaking when it’s quiet and calling you out of your comfort zone.

For example, when I was younger, I was terrified to admit I was a lesbian. I remember being eight years old and experiencing the deep sinking feeling of “oh shit,” I’m gay. I didn’t’ even know what that meant at the time. It was so far out of my comfort zone that it was too scary even to admit.

The key to stage two is to have the courage to admit what your heart wants.

Just know, it takes time to integrate what your heart is calling you to do, so no rush (especially if it’s a biggie).

The second thing your heart wants is for you to get into action and do whatever it takes to make your desires happen.

Let’s revisit the example of me being gay. When I was in my mid 20’s, I finally admitted to myself that I was a lesbian and was ready to get into action. It was here that I also realized that I was worthy of these desires.

This was terrifying, but I also knew it would be a billion times worse if I continued to ignore what my heart wanted.

A common question I get asked is, does it get easier when you live in stage two?

It’s not necessarily easier; it’s just a different game your playing. In my opinion, it’s more fun and a more inspiring game!

When you live from your heart, there’s going to be challenges that come from that. But it’s going to help with your growth; it’s going to help with your soul’s evolution, it’s going to help you be the most efficient, it’s going to help you to be most effective, it’s going to help you to move forward in the most inspiring way possible.

This is my invitation for you to choose to move (or continue to live) from stage two.

If you currently feel like you have been experiencing baseball bats from the Universe, this is your time to shine and jump into the next stage. Now is the time to stop treading water and put your feet on the ground.

If you haven’t yet, why wait!

If this resonates with you and you’re interested in learning more about how to live from your heart, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to learn more.

In the meantime, comment below if you have ever experienced a ‘baseball bat’ from the Universe.

Reference: Heart Freedom Method Certification Program

Is Your Environment Stunting Your Growth OR Supporting Your Transformation?

Andrea Parker in winter



One of the top reasons people aren’t creating sustainable and lasting transformations is that they have a poorly designed environment.

The truth is your environment always wins.

Many people don’t realize that your environment is mostly a reflection of who you were in the past.

It was formed and created based on your old thoughts, beliefs, desires, etc., many of which have since changed and no longer reflect the person you are growing into or becoming.

If you are not upgrading your environment as you grow, it will keep you stuck in who you were and hold you back from taking the next steps.

A typical example of this is attending a workshop or course.

You go to the workshop, you get excited, pumped up and inspired!  You feel like you’ve had a big breakthrough and a transformation. You can’t wait to get home to put it into action!

But, after a few weeks, you end up forgetting everything you’ve learned, and you no longer feel motivated.

Two things happened here…

First off, when you attended the workshop, you were influenced by the inspiring, energizing environment. You ADAPTED to your surroundings. You fed off the energy of the group and the frequency of the person hosting the workshop. Although you thought you experienced a transformation, you were just adapting to the environment around you in reality.

Second, then you went home. Your home is a reflection of who you have been in the past and not the new you. So what happened is that you adapted back to your old environment and your old patterns, beliefs, etc.

Perhaps a few things changed, but you weren’t able to integrate the breakthroughs and transformation from the workshop for the most part.

That is why it is SO essential to upgrade your environment to support you in your transformation immediately.

When you have an environment that’s supportive, inspiring, and nurtures your growth, you’re going to move forward much faster and experience a sustainable transformation.

Where to start?

A simple place to start is by doing a scan of your environment.

Scan your physical environment.

Ask yourself, where do you spend the most time? Your kitchen, office, bedroom, etc.

Then, ask yourself, what is this a reflection of? Is this a reflection of who you were in the past? Or is it reflecting who you are growing into?

What are a few small changes you can make today to elevate your environment?

If you are interested in learning more about how you can use your environment to support you in living a life that you are SO in LOVE with, you can reach out to me at [email protected].

If you liked this video, please feel free to like, share, comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more.

References: World Power, Coachville

The Key To Connecting

On the couch looking lovingly


Feeling connected is the key to fulfillment.

Whether it’s in your career, your relationship with yourself or others, when you feel connected, that’s also when you feel most fulfilled, meaningful, and inspired.

And likewise, when you feel disconnected from yourself, your partner, or the work you do, that is often when life feels most unfulfilling.

Feeling disconnected will not only lead to you feeling like you are on this journey alone; it also decreases your self-worth and confidence—two key ingredients to living an amazing life.

With that being said, I wanted to share something that my partner Mel and I have incorporated into our relationship that we started about three months ago.

This has been a game-changer for us and has helped us connect more with ourselves and each other.

Before we started doing this, we were having a hard time juggling both of our businesses and transitioning our work-life-balance. We found that although we spent time together, it wasn’t always quality time.

We made efforts to plan date nights, but we found that there was too much pressure to come up with a great idea that it took away from the point, which was to connect.

So to solve that problem, we created Connection Night.

The whole intention behind connect night is to connect. If it sounds simple, that’s because it is!

The simpler, the better!

Our intention is primarily to connect more and enjoy! The key is showing up and being present!

We have a non-negotiable date and time on the calendar, and during this time, there are no phones or electronics.

Sometimes we’ll explore new places, go for a hike, try something new, and sometimes we’ll just sit and chat.

The key with connection night is that it’s not meant to be big and elaborate. Remember, the simpler, the better!

This has been a game-changer for us and is now one of our favourite nights of the week!

If you are looking to elevate your connection with yourself or others, the best place to start is to consciously carve out time for it.

Make it a priority and treat it as such! There is so much power that comes from showing up and being present.

What is your favourite way to connect?

Lots of Love,


Is It Your Heart or Your Ego Talking?

Smiling at camera, writing on bulletin board


A common question I get asked is…

How do you know that it’s your heart speaking to you and not just fear or your ego talking?

When it’s your heart speaking, it’s quiet. And it’s often something that is calling you out of your comfort zone.

When it’s your ego or fear speaking, you often feel like you are on a high, and you have an illusion that you are about to have more pleasure than pain.

Trusting that it’s your heart speaking takes some practice, and it’s very unlikely to live solely through your heart.

The name of the game is to connect back to your heart sooner when you find that you are disconnected.

You might be wondering, so how do I do that?

The following is what I learned through my Heart Freedom Method certification and over ten years of research, personal experience, and coaching.

There are three ways you can live.

You can live through your mind. And when you live through your mind, that’s where you can think and talk yourself into and out of pretty much anything.

It often feels safer here because you have a “sense” of control.

The second way you can live is through your emotions. When you live through your emotions, it doesn’t feel safe because you’re kind of at the mercy of how you’re feeling.

For example, when you are feeling fear, anger, resentment, elated, infatuated, etc.  These are emotions.

And as far as you swing one way, is as far as you will swing the other way.

For instance, a few years back, Mel and I bought a rental property. We were infatuated with it and thought it was the end all be all! We were pumped that it was going to help us move forward and create financial freedom.

We were riding high and only looking at the positives of the investment. Sooner or later, we ended up swinging the opposite way and ended up resenting it! The day after we finished a renovation to duplex it, it flooded.

Which then turned into us getting into a lawsuit with the previous owners. This led us to resent it. At that time, we hated the property and wanted nothing to do with it!

We were swinging in our emotions.

The third way to live is through your heart, and that’s the ideal way to live. This is what you are aiming to connect to.

When you live in your heart, that’s where you experience love, gratitude, inspiration, and wisdom.

If you’re not experiencing those four things, then you are either in your emotions or your mind.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to transcend your emotions to connect with your heart so you can unleash your highest potential, check out my free mini-video course: Unleash Your Greatness!

In this four-part video series, I share my four-step process to help you release the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from connecting with your heart so you can unleash your greatness.

Be sure to click the link here to sign up. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.