You Won’t Create What You Want In Life; You Create What You Believe

Andrea Parker on a boat



My name is Andrea Parker.

I am a former police detective turned human potential coach.

I love coaching inspiring, driven, and fun individuals to create a life that they are so in love with.

Here’s the thing, you can say you want to have more freedom, to grow your business, have an epic relationship, enjoy an inspiring lifestyle and have all of your hearts desires, but if you don’t believe that you are worthy of those things, it’s not going to happen.

You can say what you want all day long but, “you won’t create what you want in life; you create what you believe.” Lise Janelle

The problem much of the time, you have no idea what your beliefs are. Many scientists and experts suggest that over 90% of your thoughts and beliefs are subconscious (meaning you aren’t consciously aware of them).

As a coach, this is my specialty!

I am trained and certified in various mind-body techniques to help my clients identify and release the limiting beliefs holding them back so that their subconscious mind supports their heart’s desires, including their dreams, goals and aspirations.

The most powerful and game-changing tool I use to help others live from your heart rather than fear is the Heart Freedom Method.

Created by Lise Janelle, the HFM helps dissolve any story that could be holding you back from knowing that you are worthy.

Not only does it dissolve the conditioned responses that are getting you stuck, but it also instantaneously increases your self-worth. This is huge because increasing your self-worth impacts all areas of your life.

With the Heart Freedom Method, I can help you overcome blocks to success in relationships, business, finances, health, self-imagine, and more. Thus, allowing you to reconnect with your heart, regain happiness and achieve outstanding lasting results quickly.

Like anything, it’s not about a quick fix or Band-Aid solution. It’s about having tools to help you create lasting and meaningful change.

Although it’s awesome to learn and hear about how it works, it’s way more powerful if you can experience it for yourself.

Register now for a FREE So In Love With Your Life Session where you’ll gain clarity around what your heart desires (including your desires for the next 12 months), identify what limiting beliefs are holding you back, and then we’ll craft a strategy on how you can get there.

Book your FREE call today…

Pay Yourself First!

Andrea Parker



What is your relationship with money?

How do you feel about money?

What does money mean to you?

How does it make you feel good?

What does money represent to you?

The truth is if you want to increase your abundance so that you can have, be and do the things that your heart desires, you must upgrade your money beliefs.

It’s essential that your beliefs support who you’re becoming and not who you were.

One inspiring way to elevate your abundance and attract more money (aka energy) is to pay yourself first.

I learned and adopted this principle years ago, and it has been game-changing for many of my clients and me.

I am not a financial planner, and this is not financial advice; it’s more so abundance and self-worth tools! This is key because the more you love yourself and own your worth, the more money you’ll attract, create and circulate.

One fundamental way to increase your self-worth and deserve-ability, as well as your abundance, is to set up automatic savings.


It is very common to experience fears of scarcity, old patterns and limiting beliefs regarding money when you go to pay yourself first or increase the amount you pay yourself.

For example, “What if I don’t have enough, who am I to do these things, I can’t keep money, or I can’t attract that much money, what if I don’t have enough to pay my bills, where is the money going to come from, etc. etc..”

This is normal! That being said, those are just stories. It’s time to rewire them!

Here are five simple steps to elevate your abundance…

Step 1:
Identify what your current story about money is.

Step 2:
Pay yourself first! Have this set up automatically!

Step 3:
Continue to increase the amount you save. I like to upgrade mine every 3 to 6 months. Start with an amount that feels in alignment with you.

Step 4:
What beliefs are popping up as you do this?

Step 5:
Take action steps to rewire and upgrade these beliefs.

If you find that you want to be earning more money, attract more abundance, have more financial freedom so you can do what you want, when you want. Odds are, it’s time to increase and uplevel your beliefs around money.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please let me know. I am thinking of creating a workshop around the idea of increasing your abundance and wealth (also your worthiness and beliefs associated with it).

I’d love to hear your feedback and more about what would help you create and live a life you love!

Please email me at [email protected] with any thoughts, insights or questions about money or abundance.

Positive Thinking Alone Is An Unwinnable Game

andrea parker sitting on dock at sunset



Years ago, when I first started to dive more into personal development, I read just about every self-help and growth book.  I am a researcher by nature and love learning as much as I can.

Early on, I learned that you need to rewire your thoughts to change your life. By upgrading your thoughts, you upgrade your life.

My next question was, how do I do this?

According to MANY self-help books, the key to changing your thoughts is through thinking positively.

Have you ever tried positive thinking?

I know I have.

I remember when I was a police officer. I was highly motivated to transition out of my career into doing something that I loved that provided more time and financial freedom.

I would wake up early, focus on my meditations, positive thoughts and affirmations. I would set the intention that I would think more positively and change my thoughts to change my life.

This worked great initially, but come 10 am, negative thoughts would creep in, and I would feel like a failure.

I’d try even harder to think positive, and the more I tried, the more negative thoughts would pop up.

This became a frustrating loop!

Just know that this is common. I can see now where I went wrong.

Positive thinking alone is an unwinnable game.

In fact, after doing even more research into personal growth, I can tell you that positive thinking alone not only doesn’t work, it’s the reason why many people are still stuck.

Here’s why.

Positive thinking is only one-sided. With positivity comes negativity. They are a pair. The more you aim to be just positive, the more you’ll attract the opposite.

Dr. John Demartini did amazing research work on positive thinking years ago.

He read thousands of the top self-help books and made a list of the top “positive” words used in the books.

He looked up their definition and meditated on them. He created positive affirmations for each word from this list and recited them to himself hundreds of times each day for two years.

He tracked how he was feeling (both the positive and the negatives).

At the end of the two years, he discovered that the positives and negatives cancelled each other out and were equal.

For the number of positive thoughts or feelings he experienced, he experienced the same amount of negative thoughts and feelings.

He also discovered that the more he tried to think positively, the more he would swing the opposite way (negative). So not only did it cancel out, he would swing more in his emotions and be less centred.

He concluded that thinking positive not only was a waste of time, it made you experience more highs and lows and often takes you out of your centre.

So if positive thinking alone doesn’t work, how do you rewire your thoughts so that you can change your reality?

The key is to think LOVING thoughts.

Love is seeing both sides.

Whereas positive thinking is just looking at one side, loving thinking is simultaneously looking at both the good and bad.

This is where you transcend emotions and live through your heart.

This is where the magic happens!

One way to do this is through gratitude. Gratitude is the key to healing.

Gratitude helps you transcend emotions and connect you back to your heart.

I’m not talking about superficial gratitude, i.e. being grateful for someone only supporting your needs.

I’m talking about the true, fulfilling gratitude that occurs when you are able to see the perfection of the situation no matter if it’s supporting or challenging you.

This is mastery level stuff and with the right tools and resources, it can become a natural part of your life and growth journey.

It’s also important to note that when negative thoughts do pop up (which they likely will from time to time), instead of trying to ignore them or suppress them, use them as feedback to help you realign.

Another hack that works great for staying more neutral is to use both sides to your advantage.

When you are feeling down, use positive thinking to get you up. Ask yourself what’s going well etc.

When you are feeling up, ask yourself what are you missing to help bring you back to neutral.

When you are able to live in a state of equilibrium and gratitude, that’s where you are able to transcend your thoughts and emotions and experience the magic that happens when you live from your heart! 

You Ready For An Epic Success Hack?

Andrea with dog on deck



Most driven and inspiring people are good at taking action; however, the problem is that the action is often not related to the things that will move them forward.

Instead, they focus on the action that feels safer and keeps them busy, rather than the game-changing action they know they want to do but have been procrastinating on.

I will share a hack with you to help you take meaningful and inspired action.

I learned this hack years ago when I was a police officer, and it has contributed to much of the success I have today, including being able to leave my government job to do what I do, in a place that I love, with the person I love.

This is also a perfect time to share it with you because I just listened to a video by Marissa Peer. She also talks about the same principle and how it has helped many highly successful people become the person they are today.

Ok, here it is…

Do the hardest thing first!

Do the most challenging thing. Take the action that you most don’t want to do, first thing!

Of course, you want to ensure that these actions align with your goals and move your dream forward.

Ask yourself each day, what is the thing that if I were to get this done, it would free up my energy, my time and allow me to move forward.

What are you dreading most? Is it a conversation with your family? Is it recording a video or sending an email. Is it working out or doing a meditation?

The truth is if you’re dreading this thing, or you’re worrying, or you feel anxious because you know at some point you’ll have to do it, that’s going to pull your energy away.

This inaction often leads to procrastination and putting it off again and again.

But if you do the most challenging thing first. What’s going to happen is you’re going to feel accomplished. You’ll feel more proud of yourself. You’ll be more energized.

From this place of doing the thing, you will find your motivation to do more things and what you’ll find is that you’ll end up getting more accomplished in a day, week, month, year, etc. than the average person who does the easiest thing first.

This is also important because it will help you increase your self-worth and confidence, which will lead to even more inspired action.

I invite you to join me in doing the hardest thing first.

Have the courage and the discipline to challenge yourself to take action.

Ask yourself, what is the one thing that I find to be the hardest thing I can do tomorrow and then do it!!