Have More FUN Enjoying The Process

Andrea With Dogs



Raise your hand if you desire to have more fun, experience more joy, and allow yourself to relax more or have more balance.

Raise your hand if you sometimes suck at relaxing, often struggle with slowing down or sometimes find it hard to be present and enjoy the process.

If you are a fun, inspiring, driven individual, odds are most of your life you were actually programmed to do the opposite of having fun and enjoying.

Many driven people felt like they had to push, work hard, be busy doing all the time, and it often didn’t feel safe for them to relax or trust the process.

This old way of doing things where it can feel like you had to grind it out and hustle your way through things may have served a purpose in the past, but the reality is it no longer does.

I have a feeling you are ready for a more fun way and have been playing around with different ways to bring more lightheartedness and inspiration into your life.

The problem is that when trying this new way of enjoying and living, often, the ‘old’ less inspiring way creeps up and leaves you feeling guilty or facing resistance.

In Stage One of Human Development, which is like “Bootcamp,” it served you to be driven from those fear or society-based mechanisms. Not only did working hard and having to push through allow you to have a track record of success and likely contributed to your outer accomplishments, but it also helped shape your personality.

But now that you’re waking up to living in Stage Two of Human Development, which is where you’re able to create and live a life that you are so in love with, you no longer have to hold on to the old ways of being.

This new way is all about choosing from love and inspiration over fear and desperation.

You no longer have to feel guilty for relaxing or like you won’t continue to grow if you are slowing down and enjoying.

In fact, in order to continue to expand and elevate your life, it’s important to switch out the old beliefs that no longer serve you and rewire them with ones that are more in alignment with where you are growing.

It is safe to trust. It’s wise to enjoy, and it’s all part of the process to have fun!

A great place to start is identifying where you have some resistance.

If you feel guilty or not enough when you go to sit down and relax, that is a sign that you have an old story ruling you (which is not the truth).

It is also essential to know that it takes effort to live out these limiting beliefs, so you might as well challenge yourself to reprogram them and change them. A great place to start is owning that your worth comes from within. Not the other way around.

Being more loving of yourself and treating yourself like your own best friend is an excellent step towards owning your worth.

The second thing that you may find helpful when allowing yourself to enjoy more is to find activities or something that you find to be fun or relaxing. This may not be sitting in front of the tv for 5 hours like others. This could look like you reading, doing yoga or going for a walk.

This may require that you take some time to re-imagined what fun and relaxing can look like for you?

Discipline yourself to give yourself what it wants. You are worth it!

On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at relaxing?

You are Worthy of Thriving!

Andrea on the dock



Have you ever felt like you didn’t have enough time or energy to do the things you love?

This is super common!

I received a client update (as part of their homework and accountability plan) and wanted to share their ah-ha insight with you because I believe it will help you.

Although my client was doing well, they felt stressed out, overwhelmed, and like they didn’t have time to put into their health, relationships, and fun.

Through doing their inner work, they realized that they were feeling stressed, low energy, drained and like they didn’t have time for doing the things that they loved because, deep down, they felt guilty for being successful and thriving.

This is huge! This is also a common limiting belief that gets many driven people stuck!

There are two big fears—the fear of success and the fear of failure.

The truth is, the fear of success and thriving gets people just as stuck as the fear of making a mistake or failing.

For this client, they had been doing really well in their career. They were performing at the top of their company, they had experienced more success this past year than they had in the past four years, and they were enjoying what they were doing.

Consciously, they love it!

Subconsciously though, they felt incongruent and felt unworthy of thriving and their business success.

Remember, “you won’t create what you want in life; you create what you believe.” Dr. Lise Janelle.

Consciously they wanted to have this success and thrive, however subconsciously, they didn’t believe they were worthy of it.

This is powerful because if your subconscious mind isn’t on board because it doesn’t feel safe, it won’t allow it to happen.

My client didn’t believe they were worthy or that they were enough, so they ended up unconsciously creating stressors in their life to help them feel enough or feel like they earned it.

Some ways this showed up were through overexerting themselves, overcompensating, stressing themselves out unnecessarily by creating scenarios where their energy was being drained and depleted.

My client was reacting based on past behaviours and beliefs that were created in Stage 1 of Human Development. Rather than consciously creating the life they love, they were being ruled by stories they created when they were younger, rooted in the illusion that they were not enough.

This is important because anytime you are playing outside of your comfort zone, this can bring up fears and limiting beliefs. It is wise to pay attention to these and consciously release them so that they no longer rule you.

My client was able to identify that the reason they weren’t enjoying their life and success was because of an old story. The beauty part of that is that in the next session, we released this story, and since then, they were able to move forward and enjoy their success and the other areas of their life.

Feeling unworthy or not enough, is just an old story. You created it and you can release it! You don’t have to stay stuck.

In this Stage 1, you are taught the illusion that your worth comes from the outside, that success comes from the outside, and that fulfillment comes from the outside. Although this is helpful because it helped drive you and shape your personality while you were not awake, at a certain point you need to let this go if you want to move forward with your dreams.

Stage 1 is Bootcamp.
Stage 2 is where the magic happens!

Stage 2 is where you are conscious and awake. This is the ideal place to live from. This is where you experience TRUE SUCCESS!

In this Stage, you learn that your worth comes from within. That success comes from within, and that fulfillment comes from within.

In order to do this, you need to admit what you want, know that you are worthy of it and get into action to make it happen.

It’s simple, but not easy.

A big reason for that is fear!

Just a reminder, the three clues that you have a subconscious block holding you back are:

  1. You know what you want to be doing, but you aren’t doing it. 
  2. You know what you want and are doing it, but you are experiencing resistance.
  3. You are doing it but getting opposite results.

Having fear pop up is a normal part of playing outside of your comfort zone and creating an inspiring life.

The quicker you can identify what is holding you back and be able to connect back to your heart and see the big picture, the faster you will be able to move forward.

I’m proud of my client for taking the time to check in and admit that they had a block holding them back.

The truth is in pursuit of achieving your goals, you will often feel unworthy, not enough, not good enough, unloved, like an imposter, not smart, incapable, like a fraud etc.

These are just stories.

Are you ready to let go of your limiting stories and rewire them to be more loving and supportive of your goals?

What stories are holding you back from living the life that you want?

Start paying attention to where your energy is feeling drained in your life, where you aren’t taking action to do what you would love, where you are experiencing resistance or getting the opposite results.

Those are all clues that you have some inner resistance and may need some help to move forward.

If you are ready to explore this more, be sure to check out my FREE So In Love With Your Life Session. This is a FREE session where I will help you identify what is holding you back from creating and doing what you would love and developing a strategy to move you forward faster.

Click here to register: https://andreaparkercoaching.as.me/SO-IN-LOVE-WITH-YOUR-LIFE-SESSION

Game Changer Tools For A Successful Relationship

Andrea Parker with Wife Mel



One question that I’ve been getting lately is, what’s the number one thing that has been most game-changing for you in your relationship.

My partner Mel (of 11+ years) and I  each contributed to answering this question based on what we individually found to be the most game-changing thing that has contributed to the success of our relationship.

Mel graciously went first.

According to Mel, one of the biggest things that have elevated our relationship and made it that much better was having tools to help us communicate effectively.

At the beginning of our relationship, she didn’t feel like she had the skills and the tools to articulate some of the things she was experiencing, whether it be regarding money, health, family, goal setting etc.

For Mel, learning the tools to help us to be able to have more loving, open conversations about anything has been a game-changer.

One of her favourite communication tools is the You-Me-Us.

Being able to respect each other and talk in a way where you can lovingly say what you want to say without getting all worked up and being able to receive whatever your partner is experiencing as well is huge!

I totally agree with Mel!

You-Me-Us has been a game-changing tool! It has helped both of us to be able to communicate our needs while also being respectful and working together as a team.

This is key because there are two fears that lead to arguments in relationships.

  1. Fear of being abandoned (losing the other person).
  2. Fear of being engulfed (losing yourself).

These subconscious fears can cause you or your partner to hold back from communicating lovingly.

Having tools to help you to be able to bypass and mitigate those fears is essential!

As for me, the most game-changing thing is being a conscious partner and making yourself AS important in the relationship.

If you become consumed in the relationship and don’t make a conscious effort to still do the things you love to do, it can lead to you feeling ‘engulfed’ or ‘consumed,’ leading to disconnection.

The key is to discipline yourself to be connected with your partner while also doing the things you love for yourself.

Add communication in the mix, and these two things have allowed us to increase our confidence and continue to grow both individually and together!

It takes work to continue to grow and co-create together, but it also takes ‘work’ to have an ok relationship.

You might as well challenge yourself to have an epic relationship!

If creating a life that you love and sharing it with someone you love resonates with you, we would love for you to join us on June 12th for our 1-Day (Virtual)  Love Mastery Workshop.

In this workshop, you will learn how to implement essential communication tools and strategies to have a more consciously loving relationship and practical exercises and resources to help you co-create an epic life!

We would love to see you there!!

For more info on how to register email [email protected] or online at https://andreaparkercoaching.com/love-mastery

Ps. Please share this with those who may resonate with this. We would love to have them there as well 🙂

One Of The Biggest Mistakes In A Relationship

Andrea Parker and Mel



One of my highest values is to live a life that I am So in love with and help other fun, inspiring and driven individuals do the same.

For many of my clients and me, a big piece of creating a life that you love is also sharing it with someone you love.

I’m really excited to team up with my partner Mel and co-create to help others have more consciously loving relationships.

You don’t have to settle for a good relationship; you are worthy and deserving of having an extraordinary relationship.

We intend to provide you with more tools and resources so you can have that loving relationship, both with yourself and others.

Mel put me in the hot seat for today’s blog and asked this…

“How can you tell if you are in love with the person, or you’re just in like with the person?”

This is such a great question and one that we have been getting asked a lot lately.

This can be related to relationships and also with business or other areas of your life.

Love is different than like.

When you love someone, you’re willing to embrace both sides. Both the ‘positives’ and the ‘negatives.’

Confusing love with infatuation is one of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships. This is something I learned from my mentor Dr. Lise Janelle and through doing my Heart Freedom Certification.

Love is both support and challenge (seeing both simultaneously), whereas like is only choosing to see one side of a person.

Often, we expect our partner only to support us or be nice to us and only do what we want them to do.

The reason for this is that when you’re younger, you expect your parents or guardians just to give you everything that you want, and you’re not responsible for giving it to yourself.

This becomes an unconscious expectation.

When you get what you want, you feel like you are loved. When you don’t, you feel like what’s wrong with me. These are old patterns and beliefs that are based on an ‘unconscious’ relationship.

The ideal type of relationship is a consciously loving relationship. This is more loving.

When you’re in a consciously loving relationship, you know that there will be both support and challenge, good and bad. You are willing to both support and challenge your partner and vice versa.

In my opinion, the best way to know that it’s a loving relationship, as opposed to “like,” is that you are willing to see both sides of that person, and you’re willing to love them unconditionally for all of who they are.

For example, if you have children or a pet, it’s easy to see that it’s not all positive, all the time. There is both support and challenge in the relationship.

If it’s pouring rain and freezing outside, odds are you don’t like walking your dog, but you do it because you love them.

The same thing is true with a consciously loving relationship. When you love someone, you are willing to embrace both sides: the ups and downs, the good and the bad.

If you are looking for your partner to be this perfect person and only one-sided, that’s unattainable.

Likewise, if you are looking for yourself to only be one-sided in a relationship, that is also an unwinnable game.

You have to willing to see both sides of your partner AND show up fully as yourself.

When you do this, it will allow for more love to come into your life.

If you are looking to elevate your relationship and have an even more consciously loving relationship, join Mel and me for our Love Mastery 1-Day Workshop.

You will learn how to be a more consciously loving partner and how to co-create from a place of love and inspiration.

Click here for more info… https://andreaparkercoaching.com/love-mastery