Why wait?

Andrea Parker on couch with dog



Recently, I read an article that said most people’s top regret at the end of their life is that they wished they enjoyed more.

Essentially they wished that they had more fun and allowed themselves to just be.

This got me thinking… why wait to have fun and enjoy?

If you want to truly live a life that you’re in love with, a life that’s inspiring to you, the key is to enjoy it now; you don’t have to wait!

For instance, if you are a business owner and want more freedom, yet you feel tied to your computer 10 hours a day, how can you allow yourself to have more fun and freedom now?

Perhaps that means delegating the lower priority activities so that you can focus on doing what’s most inspiring to you.

Often in pursuit of living a life that you love, it is easy to become consumed in the day-to-day. Sometimes so much so that you lose focus on what is most important to you.

My invitation to you is to ask yourself, are you allowing yourself to enjoy?

Where are you taking life too seriously?

How can you have more fun today?

If it was 20 years from now, 30 years from now, 50 years from now and somebody were to ask you, did you enjoy your life?

What would you LOVE your answer to be?

Now reverse engineer it. How can you live it now?

If you already are, how can you have even more fun?

And if you aren’t, what are some of the things you can change?

For instance, do you want to…

Work fewer hours?
Be more present in the moment?
Have more gratitude for your life?
Have more balance?
Schedule more time off for vacation?

Or better yet, create a life that you don’t need to retire from? One that is so inspiring that it feels like a vacation!

It is doable! The key, though, is to start now.

Are you ready to enjoy and have more fun?

Here’s A Little Secret If You Want True Freedom

Andrea Parker sitting in a park



Do you want to live a life of freedom?  Odds are, if you are here, you do!

I work with a lot of inspiring, driven, successful, fun individuals, just like you.

Many of them are professionals, who got into their careers to help people, and one of the things I do as a coach is to help them to be able to leave their job so that they can actually help people-lol.

Why is this?

One key reason is that they want to live a life of freedom!

The truth is, you do not have to settle for an ordinary life. You can live your most extraordinary life.

And that includes both inner and outer freedom.

The freedom too…

  • Live life on your own terms.
  • Do what you want when you want.
  • Serve more people doing what you love.
  • Earn more while working less.
  • Have an inspiring lifestyle.
  • Travel.
  • Explore.
  • Have fun!
  • Enjoy 🙂


Here’s a little secret if you want true freedom, You need discipline.

Without discipline, you will remain stuck in the ordinary and spinning your tires.

For example, if you desire to have a successful business, where you are earning more, working less and having more fun. One of the critical things you need to do is to discipline yourself.

Many entrepreneurs and professionals are great at disciplining themselves to work hard. But the truth is, working 10 hours in front of your computer is not necessarily freedom.

If you also want to enjoy a lifestyle, you’ll need to discipline yourself to set healthy work hours. To charge what you’re worth. To allow yourself to enjoy more and have fun.

Likewise, you’ll also have to discipline yourself to do your inner work necessary to take high priority consistent action steps that are meaningful and that will move your dream forward. Both are important.

A great place to start with discipline is having an accountability system.

Here are a few ideas for how you could do this…

  • Reach out to a like-minded person and create an accountability partnership.
  • Join a group or mastermind.
  • Hire a coach.
  • Uplevel your environment and surround yourself with other inspiring individuals.

If you are serious about living a life of freedom, we have a unique virtual workshop series coming up this Spring.

The first in the series is the Career Fulfillment Masterclass.

During this workshop, one of the key aspects you’ll learn is how to align your time and energy with that which is most important to you so you can have more freedom in what you do.

During our day together…

You’ll gain clarity on your vision and highest values in what you do.
You’ll have clearly defined action steps and a strategy for moving your career/business forward.
You’ll be surrounded by like-minded superstars like yourself.
You’ll learn how to discipline yourself to create meaningful transformation lovingly.
And much more…

Please, email me if you are interested in learning more about this workshop or any of the workshops in the So in Love with your life series.

Which one are you? The Yin or the Yang?

Andrea Parker on forest path



I had a powerful conversation with a client this week about creating and living a life that you’re so in love with.

Simply speaking, it comes down to one thing, which is living from your heart.

A great representation of this is the Yin and the Yang.

The Yin, which is the female principle, is listening.

Your heart wants you to know two things.

First, it wants you to admit your dreams and aspirations.

Secondly, it wants you to know that you are worthy of these desires.

The Yang, which is the male principle, is all about getting into action.

To create a life that you are so in love with, you need both.

You need to admit to yourself what you truly desire, know you are worthy of it, and then be willing to take the action steps necessary to move this dream forward and make it happen.

The key is to do both!

A common theme that happens, though, is that people end up doing one or the other.

Sometimes you may be really good at listening.

Perhaps you are journaling, reading, learning, taking a bunch of courses, etc.

You know what your heart is calling you to do, but you feel stuck in the Yin phase, and you aren’t taking the necessary actions to move it forward.

On the flip side, there may be times when you are doing a great job doing, doing, doing; however, these action steps may not necessarily align with what is most meaningful to you and your heart.

A great example of this is often career.

Perhaps on paper, it looks like you are thriving and have it all together, but you still feel a yearning to be doing something more on the inside.

You desire more meaning, more purpose, more freedom, more impact, etc.

Whether you are stuck in the listening phase or the action side of things, both can feel frustrating and leave you feeling stuck.

The key is to do both!

So why might you not be doing both simultaneously?

One of the common reasons is that creating and living a life that you are so in love with can be scary!

That’s right, even though living from your heart is the safest place to live, it can still feel terrifying because your heart often calls you outside of your comfort zone.

In the past, your heart may have said something to you that you weren’t quite ready for, which you associated as being unsafe.

For instance, when I was eight years old, I remember walking into my parents’ bathroom and being hit with this realization of ‘oh crap,’ I’m gay.

I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but it felt terrifying. I didn’t want to be different than my family and friends, so I associated my heart’s desires with being unsafe.

I know now that this is one of the best things that has happened to me and that being gay is one of my superpowers.

You, too, may have experienced something similar when you were younger.

Likewise, the act of ‘doing, doing, doing’ may be keeping you safe because it’s distracting you from actually having to admit what you want and then give it to yourself.

Somehow you are benefitting from not doing both.

The actual transformation occurs when you simultaneously do both.

If you are interested in taking the next step in creating a life that you are so in love with, stayed tuned.

In the next few weeks, I am offering a series of workshops to help you do just that.

The first workshop of the series is all about being so in love with what you do.

Please email me if you’d like to receive more information on this workshop or the upcoming series.

I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you and chatting soon 🙂

Don’t Let The Fear Of Being Seen Hold You Back!



Is the fear of being seen holding you back from living a life that you are so in love with?

A common fear amongst driven, inspiring humans in pursuit of creating a life that they are so in love with is the subconscious fear attached to being visible.

The truth is it takes courage to live an amazing life.

It takes courage to take action.

And one essential action step in moving your business and dream forward is putting yourself out there and being seen by others.

This may include posting on social media, creating a podcast, hosting a workshop, reaching out to your network, sharing your dream with friends, asking for help etc.

Here’s the catch…

“You won’t create what you want in life; you create what you believe.” Lise Janelle

So you can say you want to be more visible, but if your subconscious mind isn’t on board, it’s going to keep you feeling stuck, unmotivated, and like you are procrastinating.

Why is this?

One of the key reasons many people fear putting themselves out is that they are unconsciously associated with getting in trouble when they were younger.

I’m sure you can think of a time in your childhood when you consciously tried to steer clear of the adults in your life because you knew it would be less hassle, and most likely, you’d have more freedom.

This is such a typical story that many people unknowingly adopt when they are younger.

Rather than being seen, they learn to adapt to their environment and blend in. It’s this blending-in that kept them safe and, in many cases, made their life a lot easier.

For instance, I remember when I was growing up, I hated reading out loud. I dreaded this!

Each time the teacher would look around the class to call on someone, I would play this little game to pretend to be busy doing something else.

I would look down (avoiding eye-contact was my go-to, lol).

I would pretend to tie my shoe, fumble through my deck, pretty much anything to prevent me from being seen. I wanted nothing more than for the teacher to pass by me.

My subconscious mind associated pain with reading out loud and pleasure and safety with being invisible.

So although this pattern may have served me in the past, now that I am moving my business forward and have a strong desire to share my mission and message with others, it’s no longer helping me.

In fact, it’s doing the opposite! It was holding me back.


So how do you know you have a fear holding you back from being visible or seen?

Here are three clues:

  1. You know what you need to be doing, but you aren’t doing it. 
  2. You know what you need to be doing, and you’re doing it, but it’s a struggle and feels like drudgery. 
  3. You know what you need to be doing, and you are doing it, but you’re getting opposite results.

This can also look procrastination, staying busy with meaningless tasks, avoidance, self-sabotage, etc.


If you are a coach, professional, entrepreneur, or solopreneur and want to create a life that you are so in love with, one of the best things you can do is link being seen and visible with pleasure!

Not only will this help you bypass the subconscious fear, but it will also help you to move your life forward with more ease, flow, joy and fun!!

So how exactly do you do that?

Here is a quick, efficient and effective exercise to try…

On a piece of paper (or online document- there is a power that comes from physically writing it out, though), list 20 (or more) benefits to you and others that you are visible and seen.

For example, what are 20 benefits to you posting on social media, hosting your webinar, reaching out to your network etc.?

Perhaps it helps you spread your message.
Allows you to do your inner work to release fears that are holding you back.
It inspires your friends and family.
The more people you serve, the more money you earn.
The more money you earn, the more freedom you have in your lifestyle, etc.

Next, write down the drawbacks to yourself and others that you hold yourself back from being visible and seen. If you listed 20 benefits, list the same number of drawbacks.

The more you can associate pleasure and benefits to you being seen and visible, the more you’ll be able to do it with confidence, certainty, and inspiration.

The truth is you are meant to shine!